King Tai Travel


All Season

Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen (All)

Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen

Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen, nestled along the rugged coastline of Aomori Prefecture, Japan, is a picturesque hot spring resort renowned for its stunning ocean views and therapeutic waters. Perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the onsen provides a unique and tranquil setting for relaxation.

The highlight of Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen is its open-air baths, allowing guests to soak in warm mineral-rich waters while enjoying panoramic vistas of the sea. The contrast between the soothing hot springs and the crashing waves creates an unparalleled sensory experience.

The resort embraces a harmonious blend of traditional Japanese hospitality and modern comforts. Visitors can indulge in kaiseki cuisine, savoring local delicacies crafted with fresh seafood from the nearby sea. The serene ambiance and therapeutic qualities of the onsen make it an ideal escape for those seeking rejuvenation and a connection with nature.

Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen’s coastal location provides opportunities for coastal walks, and during the warmer months, guests can explore the nearby Koganezaki Park with its scenic walking trails and vibrant seasonal flowers. It stands as a haven for relaxation and appreciation of Japan’s natural beauty.


By Car

The best way to visit Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Aomori. KingTai Travel  has lots of sightseeing taxi in Aomori with afforable price.

Shuttle buses are available at “WeSPa Chunshan Station” on the JR Gono Line (reservation required)

Shuttle buses are available at JR Shin-Aomori Station (limited time, reservation required)

1 and a half hours from Noshiro Minami IC on the Akita Expressway


Opening Hours:

Admission Fees:

Adults 600 yen, children 300 yen

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