King Tai Travel


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Lake Towada in Aomori

Lake Towada in Aomori

Lake Towada, located in Aomori, Japan, is a picturesque freshwater lake celebrated as one of Japan’s most beautiful lakes. Nestled in the mountainous terrain of Aomori Prefecture, this lake is surrounded by majestic mountain ranges, creating a serene and stunning natural landscape.

Lake Towada is known for its crystal-clear waters and breathtaking mountain vistas, making it a popular destination for visitors seeking to enjoy its scenic beauty. The lake is encircled by charming forests, hiking trails, and diverse wildlife, providing ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can also rent boats to cruise the lake and capture more of its scenic beauty.

The area is also famous for its traditional hot springs and resorts, offering a tranquil and rejuvenating getaway for those seeking relaxation. Whether appreciating the lake’s beauty, wandering in nature, or indulging in spa retreats, Lake Towada is an ideal destination for a refreshing escape.



By Car

The best way to visit Lake Towada in Aomori is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Aomori.KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Aomori with afforable price.

Shin-Aomori Station :

JR Komizu Bus→Lake Towada (Kyuya) :About 3 hours and 10 minutes

Hachinohe Station:

JR Oirase Bus→Lake Towada (Kyuya) :About 2 hours and 15 minutes

Shichinohe Towada Station :

Towada Sightseeing Railway Bus (Towada direction)/Towada Sightseeing Railway Bus (Yakiyama direction)→Yakiyama→JR Komizu Bus→Towada Lake (Kuraya) :About 2 hours and 10 minutes


Opening  Hours: 8:30~17:00 (April to November), 9:00~16:00 (December to March)
Closed: December 29th to January 3rd

Admission Fees:


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