King Tai Travel


All Season

Beppu Tower(All)

Beppu Tower

Beppu Tower is a landmark structure located in Beppu City, Japan. Standing at approximately 100 meters tall, it offers a spectacular panoramic view of the city from its observation deck. Visitors can take an elevator ride up to the observation deck and enjoy breathtaking views of Beppu City, including the surrounding mountains and coastline.

In the evening, the lights on the observation deck illuminate the entire city, creating a charming night view that is perfect for photography. Additionally, Beppu Tower features various facilities such as an observation deck café and souvenir shop, providing visitors with more leisure and entertainment options.


By Car

The best way to visit Beppu Tower is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka with afforable price.

Address:Oita Pref. Beppushi Kitahama 3-10-2


Opening hours :

8:00 ~ 17:00

Admission fee:

Adults 700 yen,

Junior high/high school/university students 500 yen,

4 years old-Elementary School Students 300 yen

Related Travel Info

Kyushu’s Private transports
