King Tai Travel



Suizenji Jojuen Garden (Spring)

Suizenji Jojuen Garden

Suizenji Jojuen Garden, located in Kumamoto, Japan, is a masterpiece of traditional Japanese landscaping and design. Built in the 17th century, this strolling garden showcases a meticulous miniature representation of various scenic spots from across Japan, known as the “shukei-sansui” style.

The garden’s centerpiece is a large pond representing the sea, while carefully arranged stones, hills, and plants evoke iconic landscapes like Mount Fuji and the Amanohashidate sandbar. The garden offers a serene and contemplative atmosphere, encouraging visitors to wander along winding paths and appreciate the changing scenery.

Suizenji Jojuen is also home to Suizenji Jojuen Shrine, a Shinto shrine with a unique placement that aligns with the garden’s topographical features. Cherry blossoms in spring and vibrant foliage in autumn enhance the seasonal beauty of the landscape.

The garden is a designated historic site and place of scenic beauty, attracting locals and tourists alike who seek a tranquil escape in the heart of Kumamoto. Suizenji Garden is a living testament to Japan’s rich gardening traditions and provides a peaceful retreat for those seeking harmony with nature.


By Car

The best way to visit Suizenji Jojuen Garden is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka with afforable price.

Suizenji is a 30 minute tram ride from JR Kumamoto Station. Get off at the “Suizenji Koen” tram stop, from where the park can be reached in a short walk.

Alternatively, take a train on the JR Hohi Line to Shin-Suizenji Station, the third station from Kumamoto Station. The park can then be reached in a 5 to 10 minute walk from the station.


Opening hours :8:30 ~ 17:00 (entry until 16:30)

Admission fee:400 yen

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