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Kumamoto Castle(All)

Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto Castle, located in Kumamoto City, Kyushu, is one of Japan’s most iconic and historically significant castles. Built in the early 17th century by Kato Kiyomasa, the castle boasts a striking architectural design with massive stone walls, intricate wooden structures, and a commanding presence that reflects the power and influence of the samurai era.

The castle’s impressive black exterior earned it the nickname “Kurokuma” or “Black Bear,” and it is considered one of the three premier castles in Japan. Despite damages from earthquakes, Kumamoto Castle has been meticulously restored, showcasing a blend of traditional construction and modern engineering.

The castle grounds include a series of baileys, turrets, and gates, each contributing to the historical charm of the site. Cherry blossoms in spring add seasonal beauty to the surroundings, attracting visitors from across the country.

Kumamoto Castle serves as a symbol of resilience, having withstood numerous challenges throughout its history. Today, it stands as a cultural heritage site, offering visitors a journey back in time to explore Japan’s feudal past and marvel at the architectural brilliance of Kumamoto’s iconic castle.


By Car

The best way to visit Kumamoto Castle is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka with afforable price.

Kumamoto Castle is located in the center of Kumamoto City, a 15 minute, 170 yen tram ride from JR Kumamoto Station. Get off at Kumamotojo-mae tram stop. You can also walk from Kumamoto Station to the castle in about 30 to 45 minutes.


Opening hours :9:00 ~ 17:00

Admission fee:800 yen

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