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The Fukuoka City Museum (All)

The Fukuoka City Museum

The Fukuoka City Museum is a significant cultural institution located in Fukuoka, Japan, dedicated to showcasing and preserving the rich and diverse history, culture, and artistic heritage of the city. Situated in the cultural district of Fukuoka City, this museum is renowned for its extensive collections and captivating exhibitions, attracting visitors from around the world.

The permanent collection of the Fukuoka City Museum encompasses a wide range of artifacts, crafts, paintings, and archaeological discoveries, illustrating the development and evolution of Fukuoka City from ancient times to the present day. These exhibits span various fields, including history, art, archaeology, folklore, and more, providing visitors with an in-depth understanding of Fukuoka City’s culture.

Furthermore, the museum regularly hosts special exhibitions and cultural events covering a variety of themes, ranging from contemporary art to historical displays, appealing to a diverse audience. The museum is equipped with modern exhibition spaces, educational facilities, and research resources to support academic research and public education.

In summary, the Fukuoka City Museum is an impressive cultural institution that not only showcases the diverse cultural heritage of Fukuoka City to the public but also offers rich cultural experiences and a treasure trove of knowledge. It is an ideal place to explore the rich history and culture of Fukuoka City.


By Car

The best way to visit The Fukuoka City Museum is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Fukuoka with afforable price.


By Bus

From Hakata Port International Terminal:
Take No.80 bus or BRT at “Hakata Port International Terminal” bus stop, and get off the bus at “TENJIN Solaria Stage-mae” to reach the Tenjin area.
From the Tenjin area, please take the bus or subway to go to the museum. (The details are mentioned above.)
It takes approximately 35 minutes in total to get to the museum.


Opening hours
9:30 – 17:30 (admission until 17:00)
Closed days
-Mondays (If Monday is a national holiday, the next day will be a substitute holiday)
-Year-end and New Year Holidays (Dec 28 – Jan 4)

Admission fee:

Adult :200 yen (Special exhibitions charge different admission)

College / high school student :150 yen

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