King Tai Travel


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Togakushi Shrine

Togakushi Shrine

Togakushi Shrine, located in the dense forests of Nagano Prefecture, Japan, consists of three separate shrines: Okusha, Chusha, and Honden. Nestled in the Togakushi mountain range, this Shinto complex is steeped in history and mythology, associated with the legendary ninja arts and the worship of Tengu, mythical creatures.

The approach to the shrines is lined with ancient cedar trees, creating a mystical ambiance. The Togakushi Okusha features a serene Kagami-ike pond, reflecting the surrounding nature. The Chusha shrine is renowned for its annual Ninja Festival, celebrating the region’s ninja heritage.

The uppermost shrine, Togakushi Honden, stands amidst towering trees and provides a sense of spiritual serenity. The entire complex is embraced by hiking trails, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and those interested in Japanese folklore.

Togakushi Shrine serves as a cultural and spiritual haven, offering a blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and the enduring legacy of ninja traditions in the heart of Japan’s mountains.


By Car

The best way to visit Togakushi Shrine  is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Tokyo. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Tokyo with afforable price.

Take bus number 70 from Nagano Station in the direction of Togakushi. Alight at Togakushi-Hokosha for the lower shrine (戸隠宝光社, 55 minutes, 1250 yen one way), Togakushi-Chusha for the middle shrine (戸隠中社, 65 minutes, 1350 yen one way) or Togakushi-Okushairiguchi for the upper shrine (戸隠奥社入口, 70 minutes, 1550 yen one way). There is roughly one bus per hour.


Opening hours :24hours

Admission fee: Free

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