King Tai Travel


All Season

Komagatake Ropeway

Komagatake Ropeway

Komagatake Ropeway, located in Hakone, Japan, is a scenic cable car system offering breathtaking views of Lake Ashinoko, Mount Fuji, and the surrounding Hakone mountains. The ropeway serves as a gateway to the summit of Mount Komagatake, providing visitors with a panoramic vista of the iconic landscapes below.

The journey begins at the Hakone-en station, where visitors board the ropeway gondola that ascends gracefully to the mountaintop. Along the way, passengers can marvel at the picturesque scenery, including the serene waters of Lake Ashinoko and the majestic silhouette of Mount Fuji on clear days.

At the summit, visitors are treated to an observation deck that offers unparalleled views of the surrounding Hakone National Park. The ropeway is particularly popular during cherry blossom and autumn foliage seasons when the landscapes are adorned with vibrant colors.

The Komagatake Ropeway experience is not only a transportation marvel but also a delightful adventure for nature enthusiasts and those seeking stunning vistas of Hakone’s natural beauty. It stands as an integral part of Hakone


By Car

The best way to visit Komagatake Ropeway is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Tokyo. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Tokyo with afforable price.

By bus
The lower ropeway station at Hakone-en is served by infrequent Odakyu Highway Buses (15 minutes, 460 yen one way from Togendai, covered by the Hakone Free Pass) and two Izuhakone buses per hour from the direction of Kojiri (15 minutes, 470 yen from Kojiri, not covered by the Hakone Free Pass). From Moto-Hakone, there are infrequent Izuhakone buses (15 minutes, 380 yen one way, not covered by the Hakone Free Pass).

By boat
Only one of the two cruise companies on Lake Ashinoko, Izuhakone Sightseeing Boats, serves Hakone-en port where the Komagatake Ropeway is located. It can be reached from Kojiri, Moto-Hakone or Hakone-machi in 15-25 minutes and for 780 yen one way. Note that the Izuhakone Sightseeing Boats are not covered by the Hakone Free Pass.


Opening hours :

9:00 to 16:50 (last departure from lower station at 16:30)
During very bad weather and/or strong winds

Admission fee:

1800 yen (round trip), 1000 yen (one way)
10 percent discount for Hakone Free Pass holders

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