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Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle, located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, is a captivating and well-preserved historic fortress with a history dating back to the 16th century. Renowned for its distinctive black exterior, Matsumoto Castle is often referred to as the “Crow Castle” (Karasu-jo) due to its dark color and elegant architecture.

Built during the Sengoku period, the castle played a strategic role in the region’s history. Its unique wooden construction, featuring a five-story main keep and smaller towers, reflects traditional Japanese castle architecture. The castle complex includes a moon-viewing platform and a picturesque bridge spanning a surrounding moat.

Visitors can explore the interior, showcasing an impressive collection of weapons, armor, and artifacts from the feudal era. The top floor offers panoramic views of the Japanese Alps and the city of Matsumoto. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom around the castle, adding to its allure.

Matsumoto Castle stands as a symbol of Japan’s feudal past, attracting history enthusiasts and tourists alike. Its blend of architectural splendor, historical significance, and natural beauty makes it a must-visit destination for those seeking a glimpse into Japan’s rich cultural heritage.


By Car

The best way to visit Matsumoto Castle is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Tokyo. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Tokyo with afforable price.

The castle is a 15 minute walk or a 5 minute bus ride on the “Town Sneaker” Northern Course bus loop line from JR Matsumoto Station.



Opening Hours:8:30 – 16:30

Closed:December 29 to 31

Admission Fees:700 yen

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