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The Floating Torii of Tokyo Hakone Shrine

The Floating Torii of Tokyo Hakone Shrine

The Floating Torii of Hakone Shrine, located in the Hakone region of Japan, is a captivating tourist attraction. This torii gate stands in Lake Hakone and is considered a symbol of sanctity that dates back to the 8th century. Its brilliant vermilion appearance creates a unique sight on the lake’s surface, especially during autumn when the surrounding trees turn to shades of gold and red.

Whenever tourists ride boats or approach the torii, they can feel a mysterious and spiritual atmosphere. This torii serves not only as a place for worship and prayer but also as a dreamy photography spot for enthusiasts. Against the backdrop of this torii, the lake’s scenery and the distant Mount Fuji appear beautifully and unforgettable.

The Floating Torii of Hakone Shrine represents an essential part of Japanese shrine culture and perfectly reflects the harmony between natural beauty and religious belief. It’s not just a historic site but also a place where one can experience the beauty of nature and spiritual feelings. It attracts tourists from around the world and becomes an unforgettable part of their journeys.


By Car

The best way to visit The Floating Torii of Hakone Shrine is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Tokyo. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Tokyo with afforable price.

By Bus

Ride the Hakone Tozan bus (Lines H, K) bound for Motohakone/Hakonemachi from Hakone Yumoto Station (OH51); after about 40 minutes, get off at Hakone-jinja-iriguchi bus stop (150); walk for 10 minutes


Opening hours :

Visit to shrine possible at any time
Treasure House: 9:00-16:30 (last admission 16:00)

Admission fee:

Visit to the shrine: free of charge
Treasure house (Homotsuden): adults: 500 yen, elementary school students: 300 yen

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