King Tai Travel


All Season

Minoo Park

Minoo Park

Minoo Park, situated just north of Osaka, Japan, is a scenic natural retreat known for its lush landscapes, hiking trails, and the iconic Minoo Waterfall. The park offers a refreshing escape from the urban hustle, with dense forests, winding paths, and the soothing sound of flowing water.

One of the park’s highlights is the picturesque Minoo Waterfall, which stands at a height of 33 meters. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely walk along a well-maintained trail leading to the waterfall, surrounded by greenery and occasionally encountering wild monkeys.

Renowned for its seasonal beauty, Minoo Park is particularly popular during the autumn months when the maple trees lining the walking paths burst into vibrant hues of red and orange. The park also features charming shops and stalls offering local specialties, with the most famous being “yudofu,” a tofu hot pot dish.

The journey to Minoo Park is easily accessible by train from Osaka, making it a favored destination for locals and tourists alike. Whether for a nature hike, waterfall views, or culinary delights, Minoo Park provides a serene and enjoyable experience for those seeking a natural oasis near Osaka.


By Car

The best way to visit Minoo Park is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Osaka. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Osaka with afforable price.

Minoo Park starts a short walk north of Hankyu Minoo Station.

From Umeda in central Osaka, take the Hankyu Takarazuka Line from Hankyu Umeda Station to Ishibashi handai-mae Sation (15 minutes) and transfer to the Hankyu Minoo Line to Minoo Station (5 minutes). The entire one way trip takes about 25 minutes, costs 280 yen and is not covered by the Japan Rail Pass. There are frequent connections.


Opening Time:24hours

Admission fee: Free

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