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Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto (All)

Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto

Kinkaku-ji, also known as the Golden Pavilion, is one of Kyoto’s most iconic and visually stunning landmarks. Situated in the northern part of the city, Kinkaku-ji is a Zen Buddhist temple renowned for its striking, gold-leaf-covered exterior, which shimmers brilliantly in the sunlight, reflecting on the calm waters of the surrounding pond.

Originally built in the 14th century as a retirement villa for a shogun, the building was later converted into a temple. The upper floors are adorned with intricate architecture and exquisite artwork that is a testament to Japanese craftsmanship. The garden surrounding Kinkaku-ji, known as the Rokuon-ji Garden, is meticulously landscaped and features various flora and seasonal changes that add to the temple’s allure.

The temple’s reflective image in the tranquil pond creates a captivating scene and is a popular subject for photographers and artists. Kinkaku-ji stands as a symbol of harmony and balance, as well as a testament to Japan’s cultural and historical richness.

Kinkaku-ji is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts visitors from all over the world who come to admire its sheer beauty and to experience the profound sense of tranquility that permeates the temple grounds. It’s a captivating destination that exemplifies the artistry and spirituality of Kyoto.


By Car

The best way to visit Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Kyoto. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Kyoto with afforable price.

By Bus

From Kyoto Station by direct Kyoto City Bus number 205 in about 40 minutes and for 230 yen. Alternatively, it can be faster and more reliable to take the Karasuma Subway Line to Kitaoji Station (15 minutes, 260 yen) and a taxi (10 minutes, about 1300 yen) or bus (10 minutes, 230 yen, bus numbers 204 or 205) from there to Kinkakuji.


Operation Time:9:00 ~ 17:00

Admission fee: 500 yen


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