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Todai-ji Temple in Nara (All)

Todai-ji Temple in Nara

Todai-ji Temple, located in Nara, Japan, is a magnificent and historically significant Buddhist temple that is an integral part of Japan’s cultural and spiritual heritage. Established in the 8th century during the Nara period, this temple stands as a symbol of Japan’s rich history and deep-rooted Buddhist traditions.

At the heart of Todai-ji Temple lies the Daibutsuden, or Great Buddha Hall, one of the largest wooden structures in the world. This hall houses an awe-inspiring bronze statue of Buddha, known as the Great Buddha (Daibutsu), which stands at a towering height of approximately 15 meters (49 feet). The Great Buddha is a remarkable representation of Buddhist artistry and devotion and is considered a masterpiece of sculpture.

The temple’s extensive grounds also feature beautifully landscaped gardens and several other historically significant buildings, including the Nigatsu-do Hall and Hokke-do Hall. The surroundings are particularly picturesque during cherry blossom season, attracting crowds of visitors to admire the blooming trees.

Todai-ji Temple is not only a place of spiritual reverence but also a testament to Japan’s artistic and architectural prowess. It offers a profound cultural and historical experience, allowing visitors to appreciate the grandeur of Japanese Buddhism and the enduring legacy of this remarkable temple.


By Car

The best way to visit Todai-ji Temple in Nara  is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Kyoto. KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Kyoto with afforable price.

Todaiji is located in the northern part of Nara Park. It is about a 30 minute walk from Kintetsu Nara Station, or about a 45 minute walk from JR Nara Station. It can also be reached by bus from either station. Get off at Todaiji Daibutsuden from where it is a 5-10 minute walk to Todaiji’s main building.


Opening Hours:

7:30 to 17:30 (April to October)
8:00 to 17:00 (November to March)

Admission fee:

600 yen

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