King Tai Travel



The Usuzan Ropeway (Summer)

The Usuzan Ropeway

The Usuzan Ropeway, situated in Hokkaido, Japan, is a scenic aerial tramway that provides access to the summit of Mount Usu, an active volcano. This ropeway is celebrated for its stunning panoramic views and unique volcanic landscapes.

The Usuzan Ropeway takes visitors to an elevation of approximately 723 meters (2,372 feet), from where they can enjoy breathtaking vistas of the volcanic terrain, Lake Toya, and the surrounding caldera. The summit provides a close look at the volcanic craters and steam vents, offering a rare opportunity to witness the Earth’s geological activity.

Operational throughout the year, the ropeway offers distinct seasonal experiences, with lush greenery in summer, vibrant autumn foliage, and a winter wonderland after snowfall. It’s a destination that combines natural beauty, geological interest, and the thrill of ascending an active volcano, making it an ideal spot for nature enthusiasts and those curious about the Earth’s dynamic forces.


By Car

The best way to visit The Usuzan Ropeway is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Hokkaido.KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Hokkaido with afforable price.


The ropeway departs from “Kazan-Mura”, a small town of souvenir shops at the foot of Showa Shinzan. From Toyako Onsen, it can be reached in 10 minutes by car or taxi (about 2000 yen one way) or in 15 minutes by bus from Toyako Onsen (350 yen one way, one bus every two hours); however the bus does not run during most of November and from March to late April.


Opening Hours:

9:00 to 16:00 (longer hours during summer)

Admission fee:


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Hokkaido’s Private transports

Hokkaido’s Tours
