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Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, located in Hiroshima, Japan, is a historic and symbolic public space dedicated to commemorating the victims of the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima during World War II. The park serves as a platform for conveying messages of peace and advocating for nuclear disarmament.

Situated in the heart of Hiroshima, the park was once the ground zero of the atomic bomb explosion and has since been transformed into a tranquil area adorned with trees, gardens, and monuments. Among the most renowned memorials is the Peace Memorial, constructed to honor the victims of the atomic bombing. Additionally, there are iconic symbols such as the Atomic Bomb Dome, the Peace Bell, the Children’s Peace Monument, and others, all serving as poignant reminders of the tragedy.

The Peace Memorial Park also encompasses the Peace Memorial Museum, which showcases the history and impact of the Hiroshima atomic bombing and calls for nuclear disarmament. Visitors can learn about Hiroshima’s history, appreciate the significance of peace, and reflect on the dire consequences of nuclear weapons.

This park has become a symbol of peace, attracting visitors and peace advocates from around the world. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is not only a tribute to history but also a symbol of hope for future peace, understanding, and cooperation, offering valuable lessons to the world.


By Car

The best way to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is to use private transport / sightseeing taxi in Hiroshima.KingTai Travel has lots of sightseeing taxi in Hiroshima with afforable price.

By Hiroshima Electric Railway’s
Line 2 toward “Hōden Miyajimaguchi” or “Hōden Nishi-Hiroshima” or
take Line 6 toward “Eba” and get off at “Atomic Bomb Dome-mae” station (about 20 minutes)
in the city Take the loop bus “Hiroshima Naura Pass”
and get off at the orange route “Atomic Bomb Dome Mae”. Immediately (about 15 minutes)
transfer from JR Hiroshima Station to JR Shin-Shiroshima Station
Shin-Shiroshima Express Line Shin-Shiroshima Station → Shin Get off at the “County Office Front” station on the Guangzhou Transportation Line and walk for 5 minutes (about 15 minutes)


Opening Time:24hours

Admission fee: Free

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