King Tai Travel

2023.11.28 - News

Explore the Ancient Charms of Kyoto: Five Must-Visit Sites

Kyoto, located in the central part of Honshu Island in Japan, is a city filled with ancient culture and religious ambiance, often referred to as the cultural capital of Japan. In this ancient and enchanting city, there are many captivating attractions that you cannot miss. Here are the top five must-visit places in Kyoto:


  1. Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion)

Kinkaku-ji is one of Kyoto’s most famous temples, renowned for its dazzling golden exterior. The temple’s beautiful gardens and the radiant golden facade shimmer in the morning and evening sunlight, offering a visual feast for visitors.


  1. Kiyomizu-dera

Perched on a hillside, Kiyomizu-dera provides an excellent view of the city. Its famous wooden terrace and three-story pagoda, especially during the cherry blossom season, create a picturesque scene that resembles a poem.


  1. Fushimi Inari Taisha

Fushimi Inari Taisha is famous for its thousands of red torii gates, each donated by businesses praying for prosperity. Walking through the torii gate pathway feels like entering a mysterious and sacred world, making it a unique and unforgettable experience.


  1. Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine is one of Kyoto’s most famous shrines and the main shrine of the Gion Matsuri. The shrine exudes a sacred atmosphere, especially during the Gion Matsuri in summer, hosting grand festivals that attract thousands of visitors.


  1. Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavilion)

Despite its name, Ginkaku-ji’s exterior is not silver-coated but showcases its original wooden colors. The temple features a beautiful garden, and the temple itself, along with the surrounding landscape, presents a serene and Zen-like view.


Endless Beauty of Kyoto

Kyoto is a city full of history and art, with every corner seemingly hiding a story from the past. With KingTai Travel‘s chauffeur service, you can easily navigate through the ancient charms of Kyoto, immersing yourself in the unique culture and atmosphere of the city. Whether you are admiring temple architecture, savoring local cuisine, or wandering during cherry blossom season, Kyoto promises an unforgettable cultural journey.
