King Tai Travel

2023.11.23 - News

Discover the beauty around Nagoya with the charter service provided by KingTai Travel: an unforgettable day trip

Nagoya, a bustling city in central Japan, not only attracts people with its cosmopolitan charm, but is also an ideal starting point for exploring the diverse attractions surrounding it. From historical monuments to natural wonders, the area around Nagoya offers a wealth of breathtaking experiences for those looking to embark on an unforgettable day trip.

1. Inuyama Castle and Kiso River

Located on the outskirts of Nagoya, Inuyama Castle is one of the oldest original castles in Japan. It is situated on a hill and offers stunning views of the Musha River and surrounding scenery. The nearby Musa River offers boating opportunities and allows visitors to immerse themselves in the picturesque scenery.

2. Gifu City

From Nagoya, a short train journey will take you to the city of Gifu, known for its historic charm and traditional craftsmanship. Gifu Castle stands on the top of Mount Kinka and is a must-visit place. Explore the streets of Gifu and discover the beauty of the old and the new, showcasing Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

3. Ise Jingu Shrine

Ise Jingu Shrine is an ideal destination for those seeking spiritual experiences. Relatively close to Nagoya, this sacred Shinto shrine is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. The peaceful atmosphere and traditional architecture of this place provide a peaceful retreat.

4. Tokoname City

The city of Tokoname, famous for its pottery, is not far from Nagoya. The Tokoname Pottery Trail takes you through streets filled with pottery studios and galleries. Visitors can witness the intricate process of pottery making and even create unique pieces themselves.

5. Nagashima Hot Spring Paradise and Hotpot Village

Nagashima Hot Spring Paradise is an ideal place for those who want to spend leisurely and entertaining time. This amusement park offers a variety of exciting rides. Additionally, nearby Nabe no Sato is known for its breathtaking seasonal flower displays, including its famous winter light show, which transforms the area into a magical wonderland.

6. Tsumago-juku and Magome-juku

If you’re interested in the historic shukuba town and the charm of the Edo period, take a day trip to Tsumago-juku and Magome-juku. These well-preserved shukuba towns along Nakasendo allow you to stroll along the cobbled streets and experience traditional Japanese street scenes.

7. Toyota City and Toyota Industrial Technology Memorial Hall

A short train ride takes you to Toyota City, where you can explore the Toyota Industrial Technology Memorial Hall. This museum showcases the history of the famous automaker, showing how innovation has shaped the entire industry.

Overall, Nagoya is not only a starting point for exploring Japan’s rich history and culture, but also an ideal base for embarking on unforgettable day trips. Whether you are interested in history, nature or cultural experiences, through the charter service provided by KingTai Travel, you can encounter various attractions around Nagoya, making every day trip an unforgettable adventure.
